If your prostrate is enlarged, then you can suffer from a range of different problems. Your doctor might suggest that you have a laser procedure to fix the problem. How does laser prostrate surgery work and when is it used? What are the benefits of choosing this kind of surgery?

How Does Laser Prostrate Surgery Work?

If you have an enlarged prostrate, then the gland can put pressure on your urethra. This is the tube through which urine flows down from the bladder. Laser prostrate surgery targets the prostrate to manage the effects of swelling or excess tissue.

During the procedure, your surgeon inserts a special probe and laser device through the tip of your penis and into your urethra. This laser creates energy in the urethra which then passes through to your prostrate gland. This energy reduces or excises excess tissue from the prostrate to stop it affecting the urethra.

When Might You Need Laser Prostrate Surgery?

An enlarged prostrate can put enough pressure on the urethra to cause problems. Often, you'll have problems with urination. For example, if the prostrate narrows the urethra, then you might have difficulties urinating normally. You might need to go to the toilet more frequently, especially at night. You might never feel like you have completely emptied your bladder.

In some cases, people also get urinary tract infections when they have an enlarged prostrate. They might develop stones in the bladder or have problems with their kidneys.

Laser prostrate surgery can help fix all these problems. If you reduce the size of the prostrate, you usually eliminate the root cause of associated problems and things should go back to normal again.

Why Have Laser Prostrate Surgery?

You can fix some prostrate problems in other ways. For example, you might be able to take medications for some problems or to use other kinds of surgery. However, these aren't always the best solutions to use.

For example, medication can take time to work. You might have to wait a long time to see any changes. However, you should see immediate results from a simple laser procedure. You also won't have to take medications for a long period.

While other kinds of surgery can also solve an enlarged prostrate problem, they come with some downsides. For example, you might have to stay in hospital for a few days after general surgery. You might also need more time to recover.

If you have laser surgery, then your procedure is usually done in a day. You usually don't have to stay in hospital at all. Your recovery time will also be much faster.

To find out more about laser prostate surgery and how it might help you, talk to your doctor or surgeon.
